329 research outputs found

    John's ellipsoid and the integral ratio of a log-concave function

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    We extend the notion of John’s ellipsoid to the setting of integrable log-concave functions. This will allow us to define the integral ratio of a log-concave function, which will extend the notion of volume ratio, and we will find the log-concave function maximizing the integral ratio. A reverse functional affine isoperimetric inequality will be given, written in terms of this integral ratio. This can be viewed as a stability version of the functional affine isoperimetric inequality.Ministerio de Economía y CompetitividadFondo Europeo de Desarrollo RegionalConsejería de Industria, Turismo, Empresa e Innovación (Comunidad Autónoma de la Región de Murcia)Coordenação de aperfeiçoamento de pessoal de nivel superiorInstituto Nacional de Matemática Pura e Aplicad

    John's ellipsoid and the integral ratio of a log-concave function

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    We extend the notion of John’s ellipsoid to the setting of integrable logconcave functions. This will allow us to define the integral ratio of a log-concave function, which will extend the notion of volume ratio, and we will find the log-concave function maximizing the integral ratio. A reverse functional affine isoperimetric inequality will be given, written in terms of this integral ratio. This can be viewed as a stability version of the functional affine isoperimetric inequality

    APP 3D: sculpture cycle of the Torreparedones forum (Baena, Córdoba)

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    [EN] Extended Abstract:The archaeological site of Torreparedones (Baena) is one of the most outstanding Roman sites in the Province of Cordoba, due to not only the structural remains excavated in recent decades, but also the relevance through the relevance of other recovered materials. In recent years, among the recordings made during excavations and in the area of the north portico of the forum and the temple, an important sculptural group from the high imperial time was documented. The sculptural cycle consists of two dynastic groups, which are currently part of the museum exhibition of Baena. The first, found in the area of the gate, consists of a toga, a female figure, a military sculpture and a fragment ideal statue (of the type hüftmantel). The second group, from the temple or near the same area, consists of two male and female seated statues representing: Divus Augustus, Divus Claudius and Diva Augusta (Livia). The latter offers a representation of idealized types, as characters portraits were produced post-mortem once the senate decreed their deification time. Because of the importance of this second group, a three-dimensional (3D) model of each of the pieces has been created. The main objective of this research, with some results presented in this article, is further development of a mobile application that allows disseminating results and promotes the use of virtual reality in the field of heritage. In order to carry out the development of the app the following lines of action have been followed: 1) Recording by the sculptural 3D scanning cycle; and 2) the development of a 3D digital catalogue for the dissemination and study within the framework of scientific research.Data collection of the surface was performed by using a 3D laser scanner, a tool that allows obtaining sub-millimetre resolution and accuracy. After obtaining the results, we processed and checked the quality of the acquired points, best-fit and registration of successive surface recordings, and filtering and cleaning of the point clouds. To disseminate the findings of this research we chose to carry out analyses with a free application called "Sculptural Cycle Torreparedones" available for the Android operating system. With this app, the user can access all the information available, with periodic updates as the progress of other ongoing investigations. This application allows and intuitive and easy way of navigation, see the 3D models of the sculptures, as well as access a virtual tour of Rome in 360° room of the museum of Baena.Also, the user can access different multimedia content related to the site. As representative logo for the app, the icon of the half-head portrait of Divus Augustus was selected along with the title “3D Sculptural Cycle Torreparedones” as it is one of the largest and best known general level sculpture images. Since the app has been available since October 2017, a survey for assessing the app was conducted in order to know its impact and anticipate future necessary changes. In the course of this system, we have known the user skills in handling the application and the great interest of the youngest people in 3D.Theresults of this survey confirm that this work is an example of how this communication channel can be of service to the valorization and intelligibility of archaeological heritage. It not only allows knowing the materials recovered during the excavations of Torreparedones but also facilitates the visitor to establish a direct connection between the museum and the archaeological site. The application 3D Sculptural Cycle Torreparedones joins other works developed for 3D models digitized as a virtual catalogue, as is the Epigraphia3D app and other applications made with visits 360° as the case of the mobile application Guadiat VR -Belmez (Spain).[ES] Los últimos estudios realizados en el conjunto escultórico de época romana del yacimiento arqueológico de Torreparedones (Baena, Córdoba), hallados en el pórtico norte del foro y en el área del templo, ponen de relieve el importante valor arqueológico de las esculturas. Estas investigaciones se han centrado en el registro de datos de sus superficies mediante empleo de escáner láser y en el estudio de la policromía original de algunas piezas, las cuales han sido seleccionadas por su relevancia dentro del conjunto. Con los resultados obtenidos en estos trabajos se procedió a realizar una aplicación gratuita, denominada “Ciclo Escultórico de Torreparedones”, disponible para el sistema operativo Android. Esta aplicación permite, de forma intuitiva y fácil, consultar los modelos tridimensionales (3D) de las esculturas, además de poder acceder a una visita virtual en 360º de la sala Roma del Museo de Baena, así como a diferentes contenidos multimedia. El objetivo principal de este trabajo es promover el uso de la realidad virtual en el ámbito del patrimonio, facilitando que el visitante establezca una conexión directa entre el museo y el yacimiento arqueológico. La aplicación desarrollada se configura como una plataforma activa, en la cual pueda incorporarse, de manera científica y divulgativa, los nuevos resultados obtenidos de las investigaciones actuales y futuras.Queremos expresar nuestro agradecimiento a D. José Antonio Morena, arqueólogo y director del Museo Histórico de Baena y del Parque Arqueológico de Torreparedones, por facilitarnos el acceso para el registro de las esculturas; al Grupo de Investigación Antiguas Ciudades de Andalucía, por apostar por el desarrollo de la aplicación y su implicación en la corrección de errores durante el proceso de desarrollo; a la Universidad de Córdoba, por ofrecer sus diferentes canales de comunicación para publicitar la aplicación; y al CETEMET, por facilitarnos la tecnología necesaria para la documentación y transformación de los datos recogidos de las esculturas.Merino, A.; Márquez, C.; González, R. (2018). APP 3D: el ciclo escultórico del foro de Torreparedones (Baena, Córdoba). Virtual Archaeology Review. 9(19):89-101. doi:10.4995/var.2018.9424SWORD89101919Asensio Brouard, M., & Asenjo Vergara, E. (Eds.) (2011). Lazos de Luz Azul: Museos y Tecnologías 1, 2 y 3.0. Barcelona: UOC.Boschung, D. (2002).Gens Augusta. Untersuchungen zu Aufstellung, Wirkung und Bedeutung der Statuengruppen des julisch-claudischen Kaiserhausen. Zabern: Mainz am Rhein.Caerols-Mateo, R., Viñarás-Abad, M., & Gonzálvez-Valles, J. E. (2017). Redes sociales y museos: análisis de la campaña en Twitter para el Día Internacional de los Museos y Noche de los Museos. Revista Latina de Comunicación Social, 72, 220-234. http://www.revistalatinacs.org/072paper/1162/12es.htmlCesarano, M. (2015). In Honorem Domus Divinae. Roma: Edizioni Quasar.Cunnliffe, B., Fernández, M. C. (1999). I: Torreparedones and its Hinterland. The Guadajoz Project: Andalusia in the first millenium BC. Oxford: OUP Oxford University Committee for Archaeology Monographs.Fabado, S., Cabrelles, M., Seguí, A.E., &Lerma, J.L. (2012). Herramientas de modelado de datos láser: creación, relleno, diezmado y comparación de mallas. X Congreso TopCart 2012 -I Congreso Iberoamericano de Geomática y C.C de la Tierra. Universidad Tecnológica Metropolitana (p. 8). http://www.gifle.webs.upv.es/pdfs/A2-12.pdfFord, R., & Wiedemann, J. (Eds.) (2011). Apps para dispositivos móviles. Casos de estudio. Köln: TaschenGmbH.García, I., Fernández, M., & Mesanza, A. (2011). Láser escáner y nubes de puntos. Un horizonte aplicado al análisis arqueológico de edificios. Arqueología de la Arquitectura, 8, 25-44. http://www.enklabe.net/wp-content/uploads/2014/03/126-123-2-PB.pdfLamolda, F., &Cano, P. (2008). Registro mediante la utilización del escáner 3D del estado previo a la intervención de la Fuente de los Leones. Taller en el IX Congreso Internacional de Rehabilitación del Patrimonio Arquitectónico y edificación, Sevilla.http://www.alhambra-patronato.es/fileadmin/pdf/Taller_CICOP_FINAL_V3.pdfMárquez, C., Morena, J.A., & Ventura, A. (2013). El ciclo escultórico del foro de Torreparedones (Baena-Córdoba) en Escultura Romana en Hispania VII (Santiago de Compostela) (pp. 351-376).Márquez, C., Morena, J.A., Córdoba, R., & Ventura, A.(Eds.) (2014). Torreparedones, -Baena, Córdoba-. Investigaciones arqueológicas (2006-2012). Universidad de Córdoba y Excmo. Ayuntamiento de Baena, Córdoba.Morena, J. A. (2010). Investigaciones recientes en Torreparedones(Baena, Córdoba): prospecciones geofísicas y excavaciones en el santuario y la puerta oriental. In J. Beltrán Fortes, J. Maier Allende, J. Miranda, J. A. Morena, & P. Rodríguez Oliva (Eds.), El Mausoleo de los Pompeyos de Torreparedones (Baena, Córdoba): análisis historiográfico y arqueológico, Análisis historiográfico y arqueológico (pp. 171-207). Universidad de Córdoba y Excmo. Ayuntamiento de Baena, Baena.Morena, J. A., Ventura, A., Márquez, C., & Moreno, A. (2011). El foro de la ciudad romana de Torreparedones (Baena, Córdoba). Primeros resultados de la investigación arqueológica (Campaña 2009-2010), Itálica. Revista de Arqueología Clásica de Andalucía, 1,145-169.Morena, J. A., & Sánchez, I.M. (2016). Recientes metodologías para la caracterización arqueológica del paisaje de la Colonia Ituci Virtus Iulia (Torreparedones, España), durante las épocas romana y tardoantigua. Romvla, 15,87-128.Ramírez, M., García, M., & Giralt, S. (2015). Epigraphia 3D. Un proyecto de innovación científica en la divulgación del patrimonio epigráfico de Hispania. Epigraphica, 77,371-396.https://acceda.ulpgc.es:8443/bitstream/10553/13793/5/Epigraphica-77-2015.pdfRedweik, P., Cláudio, A.P., Carmo, M.B., Naranjo, J.M., & Sanjosé, J.J. (2017). Conservación digital del patrimonio cultural y científico: participación de estudiantes universitarios para concienciar les de su importancia. Virtual Archaeology Review, 8(16): 22-34. doi:10.4995/var.2017.4629Santos, P., Ritz, M., Fuhrmann, C., & Fellner, D. (2017). 3D mass digitization: a milestone for archaeological documentation. Virtual Archaeology Review, 8(16), 1-11. doi:doi.org/10.4995/var.2017.6321Scopigno, R., Callieri, M., Dellepiane, M., Ponchio, F., & Potenziani, M. (2017). Delivering and using 3D models on the web: are we ready? Virtual Archaeology Review, 8(17),1-9. doi: 10.4995/var.2017.6405Ventura, A., Morena, J. A., & Moreno, A. (2013). La curia y el foro de la colonia Virtus Iulia Ituci, en Soler, B., Mateos, P. (eds.). Las sedes de los ordines decurionum en Hispania. Anejos de Archivo Español de Arqueología,67,21-231

    Evaluating the Effectiveness and Motivational Impact of Replacing a Human Instructor by Mobile Devices for Teaching Network Services Configuration to Telecommunication Engineering Students

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    Proceedings of: 10th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies (ICALT 2010). Sousse, Tunisia, 5-7 July 2010.The introduction of mobile technologies in class provide instructors with tools for contextualized, active, situated, any-time any-where learning. In fact, the role of the instructor can be partially delegated to the student by the use of a mobile device. This paper assesses if this delegation can be brought to the limit of eliminating the need of the physical presence of the instructor in the particular context of a situated learning environment consisting of a server room where third year Telecommunication Engineering students learn how to configure network services such as DNS, SMTP and HTTP. The paper presents the results of two experiments inside the "advanced telematic applications" course at the Carlos III University of Madrid. Two groups of students participated in the experiments, one following traditional instructor based classes and the other using NFC enabled mobile phones. The paper analyzes both learning increments and motivational aspects.The work presented in this paper has been partially funded by the project Learn3 TIN2008-05163/TSI within the Spanish “Plan Nacional de I+D+I”, the SOLITE CYTED Program 508AC0341 and the e-Madrid project S2009/TIC-1650 funded by the Madrid regional Government. Thanks to INNOVISION for providing the NFC tags for this experiment. Gustavo Ramirez-Gonzalez is funded by the EU Programme Alban, scholarship number E06D101768CO and by the Universidad del Cauca.Publicad

    L’histoire brûlante d’un parcours politique inachevé

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    Les débats, voire les polémiques, qui ont ponctué la mise en place des réformes successives de l’éducation sont analysés à travers l’exemple de la direction de l’établissement scolaire. La construction progressive de cette « micropolitique », impliquant des facteurs tant idéologiques qu’administratifs et techniques, s’oriente actuellement vers un double principe de pilotage : mise en place d’évaluations nationales, puis régulation dans le cadre de l’autonomie de l’établissement.The discussions and heated debates that have accompanied successive education reforms are analysed from the standpoint of official policy on school administration and management. The progressive accumulation of micro-policy measures, which have mixed together ideological, administrative and technical considerations, has given way to a two-tier system combining national-level evaluations with regulations to give schools greater decision-making autonomy.Los debates, e incluso las polémicas, que marcaron el desarrollo de las sucesivas reformas de la educación, se analizan a través de la cuestión del gobierno de los centros escolares. La elaboración progresiva de esta « micropolítica », que implica datos tanto ideológicos como administrativos o técnicos, se ve actualmente orientada hacia un doble principio de gestión : una evaluación al nivel nacional, y una regulación al nivel de cada centro

    El impacto de las escuelas de campo en la seguridad alimentaria y sostenibilidad de los sistemas campesinos de montaña en San José de Cusmpa (Nicaragua)

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    Uno de los principales problemas a los que se enfrentan las comunidades rurales en los países en vías de desarrollo en el ámbito agrícola es la falta de acceso a la asistencia técnica y la capacitación entre de los pequeños agricultores. La disponibilidad de alimentos en Nicaragua es el 72% de la media del Suministro de Energía Alimentaria (SEA), aunque en las zonas de montaña esta cifra baja al 65% del SEA nacional. Este trabajo analiza el impacto que las escuelas de campo para agricultores (ECAs) están teniendo sobre la seguridad alimentaria y nutricional, así como su relación con el margen bruto agrario y la diversificación de cultivos y usos del suelo en las comunidades rurales de montaña de San José de Cusmapa. En 2010 se realizaron 80 encuestas semiestructuradas y se midieron indicadores ecológicos, económicos y sociales. La formación y capacitación proporcionada por las ECAs a lo largo del tiempo, ha resultado tener un efecto positivo sobre el incremento de la agrobiodiversidad, que se asociada a una mejora en el suministro de energía y nutrientes en la dieta. También se ha observado un efecto positivo en el margen bruto agrario de las familias en ECAs con más de cuatro años de actividad

    Rogers-Shephard and local Loomis-Whitney type inequalities

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    We provide functional analogues of the classical geometric inequality of Rogers and Shephard on products of volumes of sections and projections. As a consequence we recover (and obtain some new) functional versions of Rogers–Shephard type inequalities as well as some generalizations of the geometric Rogers–Shephard inequality in the case where the subspaces intersect. These generalizations can be regarded as sharp local reverse Loomis–Whitney inequalities. We also obtain a sharp local Loomis–Whitney inequality

    Forecasting of poor visibility episodes in the vicinity of Tenerife Norte Airport

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    Aviation safety is a priority that may be compromised by adverse weather conditions. This is the case for poor visibility in the vicinity of airports, which can pose a risk during takeoff and landing. For airports that are prone to fog because of their location, an accurate forecast of poor-visibility episodes is vital. However, the forecasting of low clouds is still a challenge in numerical weather prediction, especially when an airport is near complex terrain for which the use of non-hydrostatic mesoscale models is mandatory. All these factors are present at Tenerife Norte Airport, which is commonly affected by poor visibility from low clouds related to persistent trade winds and moist flows from the Atlantic Ocean. In this paper, several methods for estimating visibility based on mesoscale model outputs are tested. Use of the HARMONIE-AROME model is encouraged because of its excellent performance in the detection of poor-visibility episodes (False Alarm Ratio = 0.34–0.38; Frequency Of Misses = 0.22–0.38, depending on the model version and method used). In addition, the use of satellite application facilities is proposed for the nowcasting of low clouds affecting the airport area. Specifically, we used products that estimate cloud type, cloud top altitude, and integrated water vapor content in the boundary layer. Finally, an application is presented for the monitoring of weather conditions in real time to estimate poor-visibility risk.This work was supported by the Aeronautics Annual Plan 2018 of AEMET

    Electron microprobe monazite geochronology of granitic intrusions from the Montes de Toledo batholith (central Spain)

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    U–Th–Pb monazite dating by electron microprobe has been applied to three peraluminous granitic intrusions of the western Montes de Toledo batholith (MTB). Back scattered electron images of monazite crystals reveal a variety of internal textures: patchy zoning, overgrowths around older cores and unzoned crystals. On the basis of their zoning pattern and chemical composition, two monazite domains can be distinguished: (1) corroded cores and crystals with patchy zoning, exhibiting relatively constant Th/U ratios and broadly older ages, and (2) unzoned grains and monazite rims, with variable Th/U ratios and younger ages. The first monazite group represents inherited domains from metamorphic sources, which accounts for pre-magmatic monazite growth events. Two average ages from Torrico and Belvís de Monroy granites (33318 and 3335 Ma, respectively) relate these cores to a Viséan extensional deformation phase. The second group represents igneous monazites which have provided the following crystallization ages for the host granite: 29811 Ma (Villar del Pedroso), 3036Ma (Torrico) and 3143Ma (Belvís de Monroy). Two main magmatic pulses, the first about 314Ma and the second at the end of the Carboniferous (303–298Ma), might be envisaged in the western MTB. While Belvís de Monroy leucogranite is likely a syn- to late-tectonic intrusion, the Villar del Pedroso and Torrico plutons represent post-tectonic magmas with emplacement ages similar to those of equivalent intrusions from nearby Variscan magmatic sectors